“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” ~Nathaniel Branden, Psychotherapist
Everyone knows what a deadbeat dad is, but what is a malicious mom? Parental alienation is not gender specific but it is child abuse. Children should have a chance to be heard and not suffer in silence. The intention of this site is not only to be a voice for children but a learning portal for adults and children alike.
The growing problem of pathogenic parenting affects about 40% of children of divorcing and unwed parents in America. Parental alienation greatly contributes to the decay of America's moral fiber. Parental alienation is child abuse in the form of mental anguish. Children need an outlet. Children should be heard. Children should not be forced to suffer in silence while adults act like children.
The growing problem of pathogenic parenting affects about 40% of children of divorcing and unwed parents in America. Parental alienation greatly contributes to the decay of America's moral fiber. Parental alienation is child abuse in the form of mental anguish. Children need an outlet. Children should be heard. Children should not be forced to suffer in silence while adults act like children.
The sole purpose of this site is to connect, share resources and bring about awareness to the growing problem of parental alienation. It is not intended to provide legal advice or offer therapeutic treatment.
Privacy and Confidentiality
AlienationIsChildAbuse.org and WatchTakesCourage.org believe that protection of privacy and confidentiality is essential to building and maintaining trusting relationships. We exercise caution and will not release any personally identifiable information that is not public record without expressed written consent. Our sources are held in strict confidence.
The sole purpose of this site is to connect, share resources and bring about awareness to the growing problem of parental alienation. It is not intended to provide legal advice or offer therapeutic treatment.
Privacy and Confidentiality
AlienationIsChildAbuse.org and WatchTakesCourage.org believe that protection of privacy and confidentiality is essential to building and maintaining trusting relationships. We exercise caution and will not release any personally identifiable information that is not public record without expressed written consent. Our sources are held in strict confidence.